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标题: 好好听的一首歌,奉献给大家!! [打印本页]

作者: irukai    时间: 2007-1-12 01:02     标题: 好好听的一首歌,奉献给大家!!

是留学英国的一个好朋友给我发过来的希望大家喜欢~还有。。我是第一次发音乐贴终于试贴成功了(用了一个晚上啊)好高兴,希望大家支持:P :s_8: 不对的地方还请提建议!
曲名:Far Away From Home     歌手:Groove Coverage     专辑:Covergirl
Far Away From Home
Strophe I:
I'm loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so....
I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again.
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
without you I'll be so far away from home
Strophe II:
If we could make it thrue the darkest Night we'd have a brither day.
the world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again.
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
without you I'll be so far away from home
Strophe III:
I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it's time.
I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again.
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
without you I'll be so far away from home
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
without you I'll be so far away from home
edit by yyp 这里是他们的网站,有介绍:s_8:

[ 本帖最后由 irukai 于 2007-1-16 03:51 AM 编辑 ]
作者: leealonb    时间: 2007-1-12 08:37

快成功了,:s_8: 就差在你的链接前后加 这个 [wmv ]     和这个      [/wmv] 了。
作者: hykoh198    时间: 2007-1-15 10:47

作者: irukai    时间: 2007-1-16 02:51

谢谢!好呀,加油吧~呵呵:s_8: :P
作者: 奔跑的牛    时间: 2007-1-17 08:26


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